Google Domains Dynamic DNS Updater == `googledomains_dyndns_update` is a simple tool written in Ruby to update Dynamic DNS entries on Google Domains. More information on Dynamic DNS pertaining to Google Domains can be found in the following support answer: > Installation -- The tool can be run by executing `googledomains_dyndns_update.rb` script from a clone of this repository. Configuration -- This tool uses a configuration file, located by default in `~/.gddyndns.yaml`, to get information on hosts to update. An alternate configuration file can be specified with the `-f|--config_file` option. Configuration is specified in YAML format with a template as follows: ```YAML hosts: - host: username: password: - host: username: password: - ... ``` Username and password for this file can be obtained from the Google Domains dashboard as mentioned in the URL above. Caching -- To avoid frequent queries to Google Domains, store the status of latest update to a cache file, located by default in `~/.gddyndns.cache`. Alternate location may be provided with `-c|--cache_file` option. Google Domains is updated only if public IP of the host has changed. An update can, however, be forced with the `-u|--force_update` option. Usage -- Following usage help is available with the `--help` option: ``` $ googledomains_dyndns_update.rb --help Usage: googledomains_dyndns_update.rb [options] -d, --debug Enable debug messages -u, --force_update Force DNS update -f, --config_file FILE Location of configuration file -c, --cache_file FILE Location of cache file -h, --help Display this help ``` License -- This tool is licensed under the MIT License.