Compare commits


No commits in common. "430064c8de43730710cbe9e24d36719cd419947a" and "f5ab4aad252834cd2c47b7e3b69d0fc8c50e776c" have entirely different histories.

2 changed files with 3 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ echo "$0 - $timestamp - $act" >> ~/dwl_key_act.log
case $act in
# Without modifier
vol_mute) wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle;;
vol_lower) wpctl set-volume --limit 1.0 @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 10%-;;
vol_raise) wpctl set-volume --limit 1.0 @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 10%+;;
@ -22,68 +21,12 @@ case $act in
media_stop) mpc stop;; # XF86AudioStop
media_prev) mpc prev;; # XF86AudioPrev
media_next) mpc next;; # XF86AudioNext
disp) /home/mahesh/bin/;;
# disp) ;;
# wlan) ;;
# tools) ;;
# search) ;;
launch) wldash;;
# explore) ;;
print) grim -c -g "$(slurp -o -r -c '#ff0000ff')" -t ppm - | satty --filename - --fullscreen --output-filename ~/Screenshots/satty-$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S').png ;;
# With CTRL modifier
# C_vol_mute) ;;
# C_vol_lower) ;;
# C_vol_raise) ;;
# C_mic_mute) ;;
# C_bright_low) ;;
# C_bright_high) ;;
# C_media_toggle) ;;
# C_media_stop) ;;
# C_media_prev) ;;
# C_media_next) ;;
# C_disp) ;;
# C_wlan) ;;
# C_tools) ;;
# C_search) ;;
# C_launch) ;;
# C_explore) ;;
C_print) grim -c -g "$(slurp -d -c '#0000ffff')" -t ppm - | satty --filename - --fullscreen --output-filename ~/Screenshots/satty-$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S').png ;;
# With SHIFT modifier
# S_vol_mute) ;;
# S_vol_lower) ;;
# S_vol_raise) ;;
# S_mic_mute) ;;
# S_bright_low) ;;
# S_bright_high) ;;
# S_media_toggle) ;;
# S_media_stop) ;;
# S_media_prev) ;;
# S_media_next) ;;
# S_disp) ;;
# S_wlan) ;;
# S_tools) ;;
# S_search) ;;
# S_launch) ;;
# S_explore) ;;
# S_print) ;;
# With SHIFT+CTRL modifiers
# SC_vol_mute) ;;
# SC_vol_lower) ;;
# SC_vol_raise) ;;
# SC_mic_mute) ;;
# SC_bright_low) ;;
# SC_bright_high) ;;
# SC_media_toggle) ;;
# SC_media_stop) ;;
# SC_media_prev) ;;
# SC_media_next) ;;
# SC_disp) ;;
# SC_wlan) ;;
# SC_tools) ;;
# SC_search) ;;
# SC_launch) ;;
# print) grim -g "$(slurp)" -t png "$(date +/tmp/grim_%d%b%Y_%H_%M_%S.png)" ;;
*) echo "Unknown action '$act'";;

View File

@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ conky.config = {
--[[ For Somebar ]]
conky.text = [[
${if_existing /usr/local/bin/somebar}status${endif} \
${if_mpd_playing}𝄞 [${mpd_percent}] ${mpd_smart 50}${endif} \
💻 ${cpu}% \
💾 ${memperc}% \
${if_existing /sys/class/net/enp0s20f0u1u1u2/operstate up}🌎 ${addr enp0s20f0u1u1u2}${else}\
@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ ${if_existing /sys/class/net/wlp4s0/operstate up}📶 ${addr wlp4s0}${else}\
${if_up eth0}🌎 ${addr eth0}${else}\
network down ${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif} \
${execi 600 curl ',-122.83?u&format=%c%t'} \
🔊 ${execi 10 wpctl get-volume 53 | tail -1 | perl -ne 'm/([\d\.]+)/; print scalar (($1>1) ? 100 : ($1*100))'} \
🔊 ${execi 10 wpctl get-volume 54 | tail -1 | perl -ne 'm/([\d\.]+)/; print scalar (($1>1) ? 100 : ($1*100))'} \
${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/ADP0/online 1}🔌${else}🔋${endif} ${battery_percent}% \
📅 ${time %Y %h %d} \
🕑 ${time %I:%M%p %Z}